Film Processing
Bring your film in today and see the difference. Fast, convenient, and outstanding quality is what sets us apart from everyone else. We deliver noticeably superior images and have made a commitment to stay at the cutting edge of film and digital processing. Our team of lab personnel never compromises quality and will provide you with consistent service and results.
We process 35mm, 110, 120 & 220 color, black & white, Portra, Ultracolor, and E6 film. We can also can scan in negatives for prints.
We process 35mm, 110, 120 & 220 color, black & white, Portra, Ultracolor, and E6 film. We can also can scan in negatives for prints.
Home Video Transfer
With more than 30 years experience in video transfers, Bedford Camera & Video can take your old home movies and transfer them to VHS and DVD. With us, unlike other online services, your priceless memories are never shipped out of state but are done completely in-house. Media such as 8mm, super 8, and 16mm film were not meant to last forever and your old VHS and BETA tapes will degrade over time. Bring us your old tapes today and preserve your memories for generations to come. Visit your local store or give us a call for a price quote on your transfer work.

Large Prints & Enlargements
Create your own works of art for your home, office, or gallery by having your pictures enlarged up to 44" wide. Bedford's uses the highest quality inks and papers for its large format prints. We also carry speciality wood, metal, and canvas prints that will bring your image display to the next level. Order online at or contact your nearest store location for pricing and turnaround times.
Camera Repair & Memory Card Recovery
There is nothing quite as frustrating as having your camera gear break or not perform at its best. Whether there was an accident or something has just stopped working, we’re here to help. We will work with you to see your camera repaired and returned to you in the quickest time possible. However, most repair issues take 6-8 weeks. Our authorized repair facilities can handle most types of cameras and repair issues.
Visit your nearest Bedford Camera & Video with your gear and we can help you get the process started.
Today’s digital cameras can store an almost unlimited number of pictures on standardized media such as CompactFlash, Sony Memory Stick, SD, and xD cards. Accidentally deleting your digital prints from your memory card does not necessarily mean you have lost those precious moments just because you pressed the wrong button. Through the aid of image recovery software, most pictures that were deleted, accidentally formatted, or just plain lost can be recovered. Come see us today and we'll help get those files back.
Come see us today and we'll help get those files back

Photo Restoration
Time and the elements take their toll on your cherished photographs. Bring them in and let our team of digital artists do their best to recreate your print. Our digital artists can also make changes to current pictures to provide new images that you will be able to display with pride. Cost varies due to different levels of damage and labor involved.
Upload & View Your Smartphone Photos
The Bedfords app is a free app that lets you upload all of your photos from your smartphone to your Bedfordpix online photo account, where you can store, share, and order prints and thousands of cool photo products through Bedford Camera & Video! You can also view all of your existing online albums on your phone too!
App Features include:
• Upload multiple photos simultaneously
• Upload photos at full resolution
• View existing online albums on your Smartphone
• Easily navigate through your photos and albums
• "Settings" and "Pending" screens to view upload details
Don't have a Bedfordpix online account? Our app allows you to quickly create a free account so you can begin uploading all your photos. Once your account is created, you can upload and store as many photos as you want, for FREE. You can then order prints, photo books, calendars, cards, or thousands of other photo products
Aerial Photography
We do aerial photography both local and nationwide. Jack Bedford, aerial photographer, has been involved with the photo industry for decades. With his help, we can get that hard to shoot perspective of virtually anything. We provide quality, fast service at low prices.
For more information, contact your local Bedford Camera and Video or call 1.800.333.4280.

For more information, contact your local Bedford Camera and Video or call 1.800.333.4280.